now, here we are. ten years later (can't believe it!). now i'm older - less foolish - and much less idealistic. my plan tanked. i'm not skinny. and i have absolutely no intention of going back. not now, not ever. and i'm not not going because my plan failed or because i'm not skinny, but because i just don't care to relive any part of high school whatsoever. it was not a fun time for me. it did not mark "the best years of my life." if i have to see one more slide show montage of all the cool kids in their glory days set to a U2 ballad, i will violently vomit.
i'm not even sure that i'll get invited to my high school reunion. well, not the one that i'd even consider going to, that is. you see, my family moved my senior year of high school, so i did not graduate with the kids i spent my whole life growing up with. i graduated with strangers (minus the five girls you see in the picture above - can you guess which one i am?!?). i don't want to go to a high school reunion full of strangers. then again, i don't want to go to the reunion with the kids i did grow up with, so i guess its moot.
it all boils down to this: i may not be the person i imagined that i would be. but i like who i am. i like the journey i've taken to get here. or maybe i'm trying to like myself and my journey. and i don't need people i really don't care about to derail that progress of validate my efforts. the people i need validation from are the people i love. people i'm still in touch with. and i don't need to go any farther than home to find that.
besides, if i'm really curious as to what happened to a fellow classmate, i can just blogstalk. :P