i have visceral hatred for bridges. the fear stems from my childhood: i vividly remember footage of people trapped on the bay bridge as it collapsed following the loma prieta quake of 1989 in northern california. 20 years later, i'm still incredibly uneasy each time i have to cross over any body of water. but yesterday, as i held my breath and drove over one on the city's many bridges, i saw the oscar meyer weiner mobile cruising along in front of me. its the first time i've seen the weiner mobile on the road, and although i can't say that i was overly excited by the site of a giant hot dog on wheels, i was momentarily distracted from the fact that i was on the bridge. instead, i found myself smiling and anticipating the barbecues we'll host this summer. i could almost smell the smoke wafting from the grill, and taste the fresh corn-on-the-cob. before i knew it, i'd completed my journey across the bridge: it turns out that oscar meyer really does have a way . . .